Category: Mobile Marketing


Tips To Get Results In Mobile Marketing

Mobile website

Although it sounds logical, many companies forget this little significant detail, develop a site compatible with these devices, otherwise the efforts of the campaign will be useless.

Total integration

Take advantage of the advantages offered by the mobile digital world, generate experiences in customers, encourage the use of QR codes, reward your followers in social networks and do not forget about geolocation services, you can give a discount to those who do “Check -in “assiduously in your establishments.


Make sure that all your mobile apps work correctly, do not forget them, continue working on them; Verify that they run successfully in the different operating systems that exist, or at least in the two most important that are Android and iOS.


Make an efficient analysis of your actions within your campaign, so you will not only know if you are going in the right direction, but it will also help you to see the return on investment and if it is mobile marketing what your company needs.…